Shunya Pragya


Welcome to the Essay section of this portal!

I think, reading is a tool of self-reflection and writing is a tool of self-discovery. Reading and writing makes our thoughts more meaningful and clearer to ourselves and to others.

One need not to be a literature guru to write an essay. Pick up a topic of interest, make hypothesis, research, validate your hypothesis and form an opinion. Thereupon share for others to do the same.

Essays are best way to express your thoughts on topics.

This section contains short essays on my favorite subjects and practices I have been doing over time. These essays are drops of information on various topics.

In the beginning, there are three categories in which essays are classified:

  • Yoga Nidra
  • Mindfulness
  • General interest

Invitation: I invite you to participate in writing essays related to applied philosophical topics, which are motivating and inspiring. I will be happy to showcase on this website. 

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